How is it going boys and girls, welcome back to Key West Waterman, my name is Aaron Young. I have this disorder where it doesn't matter how tired I am, if it's nice outside I cannot help myself, I have to go outside and play. Long story short, I had a charter today, I came home and sat on the couch, and fell asleep very briefly. But as you can see, it's gorgeous out and the little boat is still in the water from the weekend, and as I said, I don't have it in me. I'm gonna take it out for a couple of hours and see if we can maybe find some lobsters for the week, come along with me! The water looks fantastic, just gonna pick a spot and hop in and drift with the boat. I won't be doing a ton of narrative here, I feel like lobstering is a little repetitive, but I know some of you guys enjoyed the lobster episode so I'm happy to share them.

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Alchemy S
Key West Waterman's Carbon Spearfishing Fins Of Choice

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